Ecto mesomorph body type female
Ecto mesomorph body type female

ecto mesomorph body type female
  1. #Ecto mesomorph body type female how to
  2. #Ecto mesomorph body type female plus

Would like to hear some input from anyone about this. But I cannot get the blended Results to show correctly for either of the Two variants or their respective Male/Female Selection. I’m not sure if I’m using the AND/OR parameters correctly or what. Ecto-Meso answer for question #1 could be C or B. Using the Conditional Logic to show the appropriate Result, means I select the correct answer combinations. (This isn’t even counting the Email Conditional Logic I had to set up for these blended variants).

ecto mesomorph body type female

If someone has some ENDO characteristics though - fat loss will. This is making me create FOUR additional answers (Results) dependent on the two blended variants and Male/Female selection. If someone is a mix of MESO and ECTO - fat loss might be pretty quick in response to exercise. NOW where everything blows up in my face is the client wants TWO blended body type answers ( Results) dependent upon whether the user selected Endo-Meso or Ecto-Meso on the questions. Also, the emails I set up using Conditional Logic to send the user their results upon request.

#Ecto mesomorph body type female plus

This seems to function well on it’s own plus the Conditional Logic used to Show/Hide the Male/Female Question #6. Using Multi-Steps, I’ve created all the questions plus the SIX possible body type answers ( Results) dependent upon whether Male or Female was selected. Only on question 6 for Mesomorph body types does the answer differ dependent on whether you selected Male or Female at the beginning. There are 7 questions plus a Male/Female question at the beginning. If I eat clean, I usually drop weight quickly but if I eat crappy, the weight creep up the scale happens every time.A client wanted a Body Type quiz created. I know when I eat like shit and when I'm eating clean.

#Ecto mesomorph body type female how to

A "meso" can be skinny, medium or fat but they tend to know how to be whatever size they want to be. Must have regular metabolism." Meso just means people that have a good read on how to gain and lose weight.

ecto mesomorph body type female

Meso: "When I eat clean, my weight is manageable or I lose a few pounds. They swear they're eating about 2,000 calories per day but they tend to not count the bag of chips, two sodas and ice cream they had. Endos are basically just people that underestimate how much they eat. Must have slow metabolism." Truth is that endos constantly graze, never eating a lot in one sitting but seemingly always snacking on ually unhealthy. They swear they're eating 5,000 calories per day but they probably have one heavy day, skip several meals, eat a regular meal etc.Įndo: "I watch what I eat but can't stop gaining weight. Ectos are basically just people that overestimate how much they eat. Must have a fast metabolism." Truth is that Ectos can eat a lot in one sitting but they'll also go long stretches without eating. Ecto vs Meso = simply a reflection of how much you eat versus your perception of how much you eat.Įcto: "I eat so much food but never gain weight. It's a shit show of a butterfly effect, but the simple tenets one can take away from it will get you and 99% of people where they want to be.Įndo vs. Similarly, calories in/out has uncountable variables that are in constant flux and dynamically affect each other. Yet those complexities don't change the outcome in any significant way when used by ordinary people in ordinary situations. Newton's equations still work and are still taught, even though they exist in a much more complex system than he was aware of. But Einstein came along and showed there was more to what was going on.

ecto mesomorph body type female

It suffices for everything you'll ever encounter in your life. Just because we don't currently know all the answers, does not mean a framework or theory is incorrect. You might as well go over to r/physics and admonish them for holding on to simple ideas like quantum mechanics because they don't know the exact mass of the Higgs. Unfortunately, you're guilty of thinking 'calories in, calories out' is simple.Įverything you're talking about occurs within the framework it establishes. Pros: You have a faster metabolism Burning fat is easier for you Cons: Gaining muscle is harder for you 4 Easy Tips for an Ecto Meso Body Type As an ecto meso body type, you have great genes for being lean and defined.

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    Ecto mesomorph body type female